Spitbraai Catering
Mixed Meat Spitbraai
15 - 20 people
R3 800
- Pork Belly or Beef Roast
- PLUS Chicken Kebabs
- Option to substitute (Pork or Beef for Lamb Leg) - Add R500
Whole Lamb Spitbraai
35 - 40 people
R7 000
- Full Lamb Spitbraai
- Includes additions, as listed below
Mega Spitbraai
70 - 75 people
R13 500
- Whole Lamb
- Beef Roast
- Pork Belly
- Chicken Kebabs
All spitbraai options INCLUDE:
- Complimentary Pap/Dombolo
- Complimentary Chakalaka/Salsa/Spinach
- 8 hours labour
- Rental & delivery (within 20km) and fetching of Spitbraai
- Basic Cleaning
Spitbraai options EXCLUDE:
- Cutlery
- Additional catering requests (unless billed out accordingly)
- Additional service hours (beyond 8 hours offered)
- Rental & delivery (within 20km) and fetching of Spitbraai
- Catering for more than 75 people will be based on specific requests (please make use of our catering request form)